A rat bike Gold Wing at Laconia Bike Week 1988 brought the most changes ever to the Gold Wing. The GL1500 completely outclassed all competition to such a degree that Suzuki (Cavalcade), and Yamaha (Venture XII) abandoned the market segment. Kawasaki was the only competition that remained with the Voyager, until it too was discontinued in 2004. The biggest difference was that the flat-4 engine was replaced with a 1520cc flat-6 engine, though it was still carbureted, Honda did introduce solid state digital ignition. This both increased power, and reduced noise. Honda also enclosed the entire motorcycle in plastic, giving it a seamless appearance.
One major innovation was the addition of a "reverse gear". Because of the size and weight, it was felt that some people would have problems backing it up.
During the first year, only one model was available. In 1990 Honda introduced the SE, which was essentially a cosmetic improvement including things like two-tone paint, a trunk spoiler and some others. In later years more features were added to the SE after criticism that the price premium brought little more than window dressing. In 1990 the Interstate was brought back as a more budget-conscious model.
The Outrageous Goldwing
The 'outrageous' Goldwing or Leadwing as the more cynical call it ! It still dominates the particular niche it sells in - Its the product of consumer power working for sure. Arguably the best long distant tourer in the world it's also arguably the biggest bike ever and it comes with the lot. The latest version even has remote central locking for the panniers and electronically controlled suspension. Strange that the range started life off as a 70's Sports bike ! It seems to have gained an image as an older persons bike along the way.
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